Page name: Lair of the Damned [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-26 22:34:49
Last author: Emporer Sensi
Owner: Demetrius Duvalt
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Lair of the Damned

As you walk through the front doors of the lair you are ovrcome with the smell of death. To each side there is a door that leads to the final chamber where the blood diety and former king of Valinor; Lord Dracul waits on his thrown for his sons to face him. The lair is covered in blood and its cold stones give off the sighns of the lair being around for centuries. Will you dare walk through one of the two doors and face your worst fears and your destiny.

Room of Fate

Demetrius walked through the door. His blade was dripping blood as he placed it back into its sheath on his back. He saw the door and above it had a passage. Demetrius began to read:
"Come to our hell
our dimeshion will test
Are thee worthy to face the blood
Can the sons survive?
Will thee accept thy fate
Or will thee fall
Chose ye door and prepair to face
thy past
thy present
thy self
thy father

Demetrius looked around and shrugged. "Well I guess its time." Demetrius felt the room of the ally was meaning less to him. He knew what he had to do. He walked over and opened the door that led to the Room of Fate.

As the door closed a firy barrier lashed out blocking the door from those who would interfer. The door was locked. Now it was up to fate to decide the outcome.

Calamity watched as the barrier engulfed the door. He was supposed to be out there leading the armies, but he had wanted to fight someone who was worthy of his time. He awaited Sensi, as he is his former enemy. He drew a blackend long sword that erupted into flame around the blade. He was ready to fight Emporer Sensi.

Calamity had not long at all to wait. A section of the flameing barrier, erupted upward, shaping into pillars, and in the same sense, opening the likeness of an Archway. Boots echoed off the stone floor and walls, as the shadow of a being enter and stood in the threshold of the flaming Arch. The only visible features of this being was two pinpricks of red light where his eyes would be. Again the sound of solid leather boots echo off the floor and walls and the shadow moves into the light. Long black hair to the lower back, tipped at the end with platinum highlights, swing lazily in the light wind current. Emporer Sensi's ears where pointed like that of an elf, but that was not the only oddity of this man. Along with being pointed, Sensi's ears where black with a leathery texture to them. This same hue and texture lined his body from the shoulders all the way down to his hands, his back, sides, cheeks and chin where all that same texture and colour. Only his face, chest, and stomach, where the pinkish, pale pigment. Then his wings came into view and stretched their full length. The boney and thin fleshed wings where too, the same Black, leathery texture. The same for Sensi's tail that seemed to just appear there. But no matter his looks, the Great Emporer Sensi, was ready to do battle. So he stood, malice and death dancing in his morbid eyes.

Calamity was slightly taken back from Sensi's appearence. Last time he saw and fought the Emporer, well he wasn't an Emporer even. And he was pure vampire. So where is this demonic power he's senseing comming from? A quick look to either side and Calamity had to force himself to admit, that it was indeed comming from Sensi. Not only that, but Sensi looked like a Hybrid of Man and Dragon. Well no matter his appearence,..."I will still end you, boy!" Came the cold words from Calamity's mouth. He raised his flaming blade above his head and with a loud warcry he charged Sensi. When in range, Calamity unleashed a flurry of powerful sword swings, in every possible direction.

Sensi stood sword in massive hand, and infront of a firey background. He smirked slightly as he felt the slight shock of Calamity. Long has it been that These two crossed swords. And only fitting. Sensi waited too long for this moment. Waited for the chance to kill the man, being, that killed his first earthly family, and loved one. Suddenly a chuckle came from the mouth of Sensi. "So you still see me as you did eons ago? As a mere boy? Well, as I have grown, so has my abilities. Abilities, I had not yet mastered when you faced me in my youth. Your mistake was leaving me alive Calamity. A mistake you will now learn from." He spoke this directly into Calamity's mind, which might have sent him over, and caused him to charge the Emporer. Sensi's actue and keen vision, allowed him to precog,(Almost like a guess but a feeling of sureity), the swings. Easily and seemingly effortlessly he weaved and twisted his body dodgeing the rabid swings of Calamity's sword. Finally Sensi brought his blade up and the attacking sword crashed into it, with a shower of sparks and erupting energy. Sensi held his sword arm raised, and handle in hand, tip down, and the blade was pressed against his forearm. Mere miliseconds passed as they stayed locked in this position before Sensi brought his head forward and slammed it into Calamity's face. The sick thud of heads hitting sounded in the air. After this, he shoved his arm holding his sword, and Calamity's, forward, Sending Calamity backwards, on unstable feet. Sensi used this and dashed forward, slamming in left palm, right into Calamity's Sternum, before standing erect again and relaxing.

Anger welled up inside him, as he could not cut Sensi with his attacks. He started a little when he found this flamming blade was blocked by Sensi's. He's too fast..." But before he could even finish that thought, he felt Sensi's forhead crash into his face. He stumbled back holding his face with his free hand. His nose was broken. He went to look up and his eyes wide and his mouth slowly gaped open, before he flew backwards, and landed on his back, after bouncing off the floor a couple times. Pain racked his stomach, and he felt as though he might throw up. But the feeling passed quickly and he stood fast. He faced Sensi, and growled loudly. Blood from his shattered nose, streamed down his face and dripped onto the floor. "Cheap shot, kid. It won't happen again." And it was then that Calamity nocticed that Sensi was relaxed as he stood. Was Calamity to be taken that lightly? NO! Again he screamed his warcry and dashed forward at Sensi.

Kendra had followed Sensi into the Lair, not as if she really had a choice in the matter. She took in the scene before the battle commenced, and Sensi's new, draconic appearance frightened her. She hid her fear well, though- that is, until the battle began. She couldn't track Calamity's sword as it flashed at the Emperor, who blocked with uncanny speed. She bit her lip, watching as things progressed, and nearly cried out as the swords rang out with a blinding flash of sparks. She stood in the background, behind Sensi, afraid more for his safety than her own. She really did cry out as the two men's heads clashed together, and the look of pure fury on Calamity's face when he recuperated caused her to look away, terrified. After all, who wouldn't be, at such an age as 14?

The flames around the door vanished completly. The door was openening and a large gust of wind blasted into the room. A figure nstood in the door way. It was Demetrius and he was beat. His arm was covered in blood. His chest and torso were covered in large gashes. He was worn out as he walked out of the doorway slowly. The young dhampir looked determined to fight and drew his blade before he fell to his knee. He was in no conditon to fight. "Damn it. I need to get out of here and stop Ambrose as well as the Lord's of Darkness. But, first we need to stop these lords of darkness...wait a second", "Sensi...kill that bastard now! When you do his army will go back to hell with him!" Demetrius tried to stand again, but couldn't. "Damn it!"

Even as Kendra looked away, she saw Demetrius enter with a blast of air. She took hardly a second to glance over him and see he was in great pain, a fact which was proven by his slow gait and failure to remain standing. Throwing a glance over her shoulder to be sure Calamity was paying her no attention, the girl ran to the king and placed a hand on his shoulder, transfering strength to him even as he swore. Her eyes closed with the effort as she healed him instinctively at a speed she didn't know she possessed. Then, having done what she could, she stood back and offered the same hand to him to help him up.

Demetrius felt his wounds close up as Kendra touched his shoulder. He felt his energy return to him like a tempest through his veins. He felt even stronger than before as well. "Her hidden healing powers and my ability to grow more stronger after recovering from a hard fight have somehow doubled my powers. Strange...oh well I'll think on it later for now its time to save lives again." He took her offered hand and stood up. "Thanks lass. Now Calamity where were we before this damned place came out of the ground...oh yeah, I was going to kill you. Sensi watch me tear this guys limbs off." Demetrius raised his sword offered a salute to Calamity as he swaggered towards the battle. "Death comes for us all in time...I'm that time for you." His divine aura encircled him and the fire in his eyes pirced the darkness of Calamity's dark heart. Demetrius was pissed off. He saw Calamity as Ambrose's man and anyone that would help Ambrose at this piont was a personal enemy to him. Demetrius poised for attack.

Just as Demetrius started forward to attack, Sensi's blade came infont of him like a barricade, stopping Demetrius and his attack. Sensi's eyes where still locked onto Calamity, but he spoke to Demetrius, "I understand your hate for this being, But this is my fight now. I have unfinished business with Calamity. So no, my lord. I shall not watch you, YOU shall watch me end him, now." With that said Sensi lowered his blade, and began a march forward, his sword being held low and his posture unguarded. Suddenly Sensi's body blurred out of vision. Dust from the floor kicked up as he moved with blinding speed, blurring back in dead smack infront of Calamity, whom inreturn,stepped back and his eyes wide, from the speed of Sensi's movement. Sadly enough for Calamity, the small shock he felt at that moment, was the last thing he would ever know. Sensi's spike knuckled fist, shattered the rest of the bones lining Calamity's face. The sound was that of several branches breaking. Right after the punch, Sensi dropped low and swung his right leg in a half moon circle. One of Calamity's legs, was kicked out from under him, while the other leg, Snapped at the knee. But before Calamity hit the ground, Sensi's elbow came down like a hammer onto his stomach. The added force Sent the Demon to the ground and shattered the ground, cracking in a spider web patter. This was not all, Sensi's hand came up and in index and middle finger of his right hand, motioned like "Come here" Bending upward, Calamity's body was sent hurtleing upward, following Sensi's fingers. Blood dripped from the broken body of Calamity and covered the floor. Sensi's hand then opened fully and his open palm pointed at Calamity. "Give my reguards to your brothers, and father. Let them know it was me that sent you back to hell. For this is what awaits any who threatened Demetrius or his Kingdom. GoodBye Calamity." A low buzzing sounded as red and purple energy dots, where pulled from the air and gathered in the center of Sensi's palm, then he released his energetic assult. The room was filled his heat and red hued light as a beam of thick energy rocketed forward and slammed into the levetated body of Calamity. A heart wrenching scream sounded from Calamity as the blast began to consume him. Then the light faded and the heat vanished, as ashes fell to the ground. Sensi's sword vanished in a flash of red light, and his form quickly returned to it's normal state. He turned to Demetrius and asked the King, "Where to now?"

Demetrius' jaw couldn't open wide enough from the disbelief of Sensi's barrage on Calamity. "Damn that was bad ass...its beautiful to watch people get smashed into its, blown apart, broken, and everything else." Demetrius composed himself and sheathed the Divine Dragon Katana. "Well Sen the demons should e gone. Alas Ambrose escaped with my fathers powers and that cursed portal travel is down until the power is returned. So to get back to other places we need to travel on board ship. Damn that Ambrose! I'll find a way to break that spell that my father placed on us at my birth." Demetrius reflected on what happend in the room of fate. It seemed like hours went by in there, yet it was only a few minutes out here. Demetrius walked over towards the wall opposite of the door to that cursed room and found his coat that he lost prior to his battle with Argo. "Wow I thought I wouldn't see this again," He flung t onto his form and turned back to Kendra and Sensi. "I'll explain everything in detail at the Nagath Inn." Demetrius turned and walked towards the inn.

Kendra nodded to Demetrius, smiling, glad to see him healed. The smile quickly faded, as did the color in her face, when he prepared to attack Calamity. Sensi stopped the king, which confused her, and then things began happening too fast for her to keep track. Her eyes were glued to the scene, as hard as she tried to wrench them away, and it was with pure terror that she watched Sensi proceed to destroy every bone in the man's body. In silent horror her gaze followed the mangled body as it was flung around, her ears rang with Sensi's calm speech. One would have thought she had gone mute, her eyes wide, her face paler than death, until Calamity's scream shattered the calmness. She screamed with him, cowering from Sensi's might, terrified of such a being that could cause such pain. She looked away, finally, as ashes showered over all of them, shaking violently, as pale as the ashes around her. Slowly, still shaking, she turned and followed Demetrius to the inn.

Sensi stood in the room awhile after the other two had left. It was obvious by the look on his face that something had seriously disturbed him. During his assult on Calamity, He felt Kendra's horror, disbelief, and disgust, and he felt ashamed. His eyes wondered down to his hands as he spread them before him. "I'm....a monster. All my life I've worked and trained to become.....a monster." His hands closed into fists, white knuckle tight. Finallly he turned and left the room.

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2006-12-13 [Emporer Sensi]: I'll be back Later, and Kendra you can help me here.

2006-12-13 [Lady_Elowyn]: umm.... ok?

2006-12-14 [Demetrius Duvalt]: password is removed

2006-12-15 [Emporer Sensi]: About damn time. Bastard!

2006-12-15 [Emporer Sensi]: How's that for a post and enterance!!! HUH HUH!? Tell me, I want to hear it..."Mike, that was AWSOME!" *listens*

2006-12-15 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Damn Mike that was a grand entrance

2006-12-15 [Emporer Sensi]: *Beams with pride* I know....*read it again* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

2006-12-16 [Emporer Sensi]: I don't like fighting myself here. It's redundent.

2006-12-24 [Emporer Sensi]: Well there's some of it.

2006-12-25 [Emporer Sensi]: OOOOOOOOOO I like, Kendra

2006-12-25 [Lady_Elowyn]: ...Thank you? Now post back!

2006-12-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: time to come out...sorry for the delay. School sucks at times

2006-12-26 [Lady_Elowyn]: Perfectly understandable.

2006-12-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: that was a freakin awsome post

2006-12-26 [Emporer Sensi]: Well thank you.

2006-12-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: your I need to build up the siren for the the adventures out at sea.

2006-12-26 [Emporer Sensi]: I already Archived it in the Pitchblende Library. Feel free to delete if needed.

2006-12-26 [Lady_Elowyn]: Awwww.... I feel bad for Sensi... You know, she isn't gonna hold it against him. She was just scared. I would be, too.

2006-12-26 [Emporer Sensi]: I would be scared shitless. But he's like got this grudge against himself, Sensi does.

2006-12-26 [Lady_Elowyn]: *shrugs* understandable. Now Kendra's just gotta go comfort him or something ^^

2006-12-27 [Demetrius Duvalt]: I archived it as well since it is the end of this first story arc.

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